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svgadminsvgOctober 7, 2015svgNews

Attempted Car-Terror Attack Thwarted Near Maalei Adumim

A terrorist attempted to run over IDF soldiers at the A-Za’im checkpoint near Maalei Adumim, just outside Jerusalem, but was neutralized by alert soldiers.

According to initial reports the terrorist attempted to break through the checkpoint with his car and to hit one of the soldiers standing guard in the process.

Seeing the immediate threat to his life, however, the soldier reacted quickly and shot the driver, injuring him. The terrorist then crashed, and was attended to by paramedics at the scene in serious condition.

Two soldiers who were lightly injured in the attack were taken to Jerusalem’s Shaarei Tzedek hospital for treatment.

It is the fifth serious terrorist attack today, as a wave of Arab violence continues to sweep across Israel.

In the first attack Wednesday morning, an 18-year-old female terrorist stabbed a Jewish man in the back in Jerusalem, before being shot and wounded by her victim.

Later, in the early afternoon, an IDF soldier was moderately wounded in the central Israeli city of Kiryat Gat, when a terrorist stabbed him while stealing his weapon. The terrorist then hid in a nearby apartment and fired at police, who fired back and killed him.

This evening, a 25-year-old Israeli was stabbed and injured in Petah Tikvah by an Arab terrorist from Hevron. The terrorist was quickly apprehended by alert security guards.

Also on Wednesday, a Jewish Israeli woman was beaten and only narrowly escaped with her life after an Arab lynch-mob descended on Jewish motorists just south of Jerusalem.

The woman, 38-year-old Tekoa resident Ribi Lev-Ohayon, described her ordeal to Arutz Sheva.

Multiple rock-throwing attacks against Israeli motorists were also reported in several locations throughout Judea and Samaria.

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