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svgadminsvgMay 31, 2015svgNews

Associates: MK Hazan Demands Deputy Foreign Minister

Freshman Likud MK Oren Hazan will demand to be appointed deputy foreign minister, his associates informed Channel 2 on Sunday. 

The announcement comes as coalition party leaders gear up to appoint members of their factions to serve on and head the various Knesset committees, in addition to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu preparing to name remaining deputy ministers from Likud.  

Hazan, positioned in last place on the party’s Knesset list, expects to serve in a rotation with incumbent Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely, his associates say. 

The associates noted that the MK became desirous for a governmental position after having refrained initially from pushing the Prime Minister for one – and now feeling left behind, after nearly all Likud MKs received positions. 

According to his associates, if Hazan will be given the opportunity to rotate in the position of deputy foreign minister, it will present him with the opportunity to showcase his verbal abilities and extensive experience in business overseas. 

The announcement is sure to anger Hotovely, who campaigned hard for a ministry, before finally being tasked with overseeing the Foreign Ministry as its deputy minister. 

The two Likud MKs have clashed before, most noticeably last week in a juvenile Twitter battle over what Hotovely allegedly said about the Likud Central Committee during a Likud faction meeting. 

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