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svgadminsvgAugust 6, 2012svgNews

Arabs Steal Israeli’s Car as He Tries to Help Fellow Motorist

An Israeli was the victim of yet another carjacking by PA Arabs in Judea and Samaria (Yehuda and Shomron) overnight Saturday.

The victim this time is a resident of the Binyamin region community of Kochav Hashachar, whose vehicle was stolen at 2:30 a.m.

The victim’s son told Arutz Sheva on Sunday that the incident took place as his father was driving on the road past the community of Ma’ale Efrayim, located along the eastern slopes of the Shomron mountains. His father identified a vehicle which was stuck by the road, and got out of his car to see if he can help the driver, a resident of Kfar Tavor whose car was stuck and needed repair.

The driver returned to his vehicle to get his tools, his son said, leaving the car lights on and the keys in the ignition in order to make the work easier for him. As he turned to the trunk of his car to get the tools out, said the son, “a black car without license plates pulled up beside him. Someone got out of it, entered his car, started it and drove off.”

“The feeling is of great helplessness,” said the son, adding, “He called the army and the police. They were very kind and helped him return home, but did not do anything beyond that.”

The son said he is convinced that had the soldiers and the officers wanted to, they could have helped find the stolen vehicle.

“They could have put up barriers,” he said. “When you want to do something , you can.” The son added that the police told his father that the incident was being investigated, but said he believes that the car will not be found, since in most cases Arabs who steal cars quickly take them back to their village to be disassembled.

The latest incident comes after several days ago, a Samaria woman escaped a carjacking near Emanuel.

The IDF said it views the incident with gravity and that it sees carjackings as no different, in essence, from terror attacks. It added that it has assigned a large force to hunting down the carjacking gang that has been operating in the region.

Several weeks ago, a reserves soldier reported that an Arab gang in Samaria had attacked him and tried to steal his car.

An initial investigation led security forces to believe that the gang mistook the soldier, who has long hair, for a woman.  After attacking the thieves realized that the “woman driver” was in fact an armed male soldier, a fact that may have been a factor in his escape.

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