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svgadminsvgJanuary 8, 2015svgNews

Arab Stabs Jew with a Screwdriver in Jerusalem’s Old City

A young Jewish yeshiva student was stabbed by an Arab terrorist armed with a screwdriver on Thursday night in Jerusalem’s Old City.

The stabbing took place at the Damascus Gate of the Old City according to Magen David Adom (MDA) reports – the location has been a site of stabbing attacks in the past.

The victim, thought to be 21-years-old, was moderately wounded in the attack and was given treatment while still fully conscious. He reportedly was stabbed in the back.

After giving him medical treatment at the site, MDA evacuated him to Shaare Tzedek Hospital in the capital. The terrorist fled the scene and large police forces are currently scouring the area to track him down.

MDA volunteer Yehiel Stern said “when I arrived on the scene the wounded was fully conscious and suffering from stab wounds in his upper body (caused) by a sharp object.”

“After initial treatment at the scene he was evacuated to the hospital,” said Stern, noting the victim “is a yeshiva student who apparently was on his way to prayers at the Western Wall.”

Arutz Sheva was on the scene, with video (in Hebrew) from the site of the attack.


The attack comes after an op-ed in the Palestinian Authority (PA) daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida on Monday praised a stabbing attack on two Border Patrol officers in Jerusalem’s Old City late last month, saying it inspires other Arabs to commit similar stabbings.

“These kinds of confrontations which frighten the enemy are excellent Palestinian examples of willpower and determination to win,” read the op-ed, written by a Hamas-affiliated contributor to the PA paper. “The video of the Palestinian storming and stabbing of Zionists serves as a school.”

It continued “the video of the assault drew the interest and approval of every youth, man and woman in Palestine. Now, every Palestinian raises his hand holding a knife together with this young Palestinian, and stabs the Zionists.”

In the attack, a knife-wielding Arab terrorist who is a resident of Jerusalem snuck up on and stabbed two officers at a police security point near the Lion’s Gate of the Old City early on a Friday morning following Muslim prayers on the Temple Mount, wounding both lightly.

The Arab terrorist fled the scene and managed to hide out for a week before being arrested last Thursday in the PA-stronghold of Ramallah. During the arrest two soldiers were lightly wounded by a mob of Arab rioters who descended on them.

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