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svgadminsvgMarch 29, 2012svgNews

Anti-Israel Activists Protest Outside Israeli Embassy in Jordan

Dozens of anti-Israel activists protested on Thursday in front of the Israeli Embassy in Amman and demanded that it be closed.

According to a report on the AmmonNews website, the demonstrators called on the Jordanian government to expel the Israeli diplomatic mission from Jordan and cancel the peace treaty the two countries signed in 1994. They also burned the Israeli flag, according to the report.

The protest was held amidst heavy security presence, the report said, with various police and gendarmerie forces surrounding the area. Surrounding roads were closed.

The security forces cordoned off the area and set up metal barricades outside a nearby mosque to prevent protesters from proceeding to the Israeli mission.

Last September Israel evacuated its embassy in Amman after calls by Jordanian activists for a ‘million man march’ near the embassy building.

Earlier this week Jordanian authorities confirmed that they will permit a planned Global March to Jerusalem in the Jordan Valley on Friday.

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