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svgadminsvgAugust 22, 2015svgNews

Administrative Order Jails Jewish Youth in his Home

Another administrative order was submitted on Saturday night to a Jewish youth living in Ma’ale Adumim to the east of Jerusalem, in a move that follows three highly controversial administrative detentions against Jewish youths in recent weeks.

According to the order, the youth is forbidden for the next six months from entering Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria aside from his own home in Ma’ale Adumim – essentially making him a prisoner in his own house without trial or evidence presented against him.

The order was signed by IDF Central Commander Roni Numa.

Administrative orders require no evidence or trial. The more severe form of such orders is administrative detention, a relic from the British mandate period used almost exclusively against Arab terrorists until now, according to which suspects can are held for six months of renewable detention.

Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir, who is representing the youth, strongly condemned the order and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon (Likud) for issuing it.

“This is a continuation of the defense minister going wild, and unfortunately these steps don’t calm things on the ground but rather contribute to stirring things up and harming the fragile balance of life in Judea and Samaria,” said Ben-Gvir.

“If there is evidence against my client, let them have the honor of submitting an indictment,” he continued. “My client was arrested more than once in recent months for involvement in ‘price tag’ (nationalist vandalism – ed.) activities, but those (accusations) never came together into an indictment.”

“If there is no evidence, we live in a democratic country, meaning it was forbidden to use this order against him.”

The youth intends to object to the order and petition the Supreme Court for its cancellation “in hopes that the judges will hear him out, as they heard Mohammed Allan,” said Ben-Gvir, referencing the Islamic Jihad terrorist whose administrative detention was cancelled last week after he held a hunger strike.

“I hope that if my client decides to hunger strike the state attorney will agree to cancel the order as they agreed in the case of Allan,” the attorney added.

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