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svgadminsvgSeptember 15, 2014svgNews

‘Adding Life’ in the Merit of Murdered Mother and Daughters

A special event was held on Sunday marking ten years since the murder of Gush Katif residents Tali Hatuel and her four daughters, and nine years since the founding of the Tali B’Yad Rama Organization established in their memory.

At the event Tali’s husband David spoke to Arutz Sheva about the organization he founded to help families with fertility problems, particularly those caused by economic issues, which has already led to the birth of hundreds of babies over the years.

The organization’s slogan is “where life was cut off, we will add life,” says David, noting that the name Rama is an acronym of the names of his four murdered daughters – Hila, 11; Hadar, 9; Roni, 7; and Merav, 2.

The center-piece of the event was a musical performance by the famous religious singer Yonatan Razel and Daniel Zamir.

Ten years ago, Tali was a social worker and David the principal of an elementary school in Ashkelon.

On May 2, 2004, Tali – eight months pregnant at the time – traveled together with her four daughters from Gush Katif to Ashkelon for an obstetrician’s appointment, and then to attend a demonstration against the Disengagement referendum by the Likud being held that day.

At the Kissufim crossing to Gaza two terrorists armed with Kalashnikov rifles opened fire on Tali’s car, forcing her off the road and seriously wounding her. They then proceeded to approach the car, shooting her and her four daughters at point-blank range until all five were dead and the terrorists had no more bullets left to fire.

IDF forces were dispatched to hunt down the terrorists and managed to kill them.

After the Islamic Jihad and Popular Resistance Committees claimed responsibility for the attack, Islamic Jihad terrorist Mahmoud Halil al-Latif Sheikh Halil, who was responsible for the attack, eventually was eliminated in an IAF airstrike in September 2005 as he was traveling in a car in Gaza.

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