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svgadminsvgJuly 8, 2014svgNews

Abbas’s Fatah Threatens Israel: ‘Prepare the Body Bags’

Not to be outdone by the Hamas terrorists in Gaza who have been showering rockets on southern Israel, Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction has stepped up its threatening rhetoric against Israel.

Fatah threatened death against Israelis by telling them to “prepare body bags,” writing on its official Facebook page Monday “Sons of Zion, this is an oath to the Lord of the Heavens: Prepare all the bags you can for your body parts.”

The statement, translated by Palestinian Media Watch, is just the latest in a recent string of calls to terrorism by Abbas’s party. On Saturday, the group posted the threat “the sons of Fatah will turn your settlements into balls of fire and increase your horror,” which was accompanied by a picture of burning houses:

Fatah turns “settlements into balls of fire” Palestinian Media Watch

The talk of burning Jewish homes may be more than mere threats given the wave of suspected arson terrorism over the last several weeks, in which fires have broken out for the last two weeks at a nearly daily pace, often in multiple locations simultaneously around the country.

The most recent posts are only the tip of the iceberg. Last Wednesday, after 16-year-old Mohammed Abu Khder was found burned to death in the Jerusalem Forest, Fatah called for violent “revolution” on its Facebook.

In fact Fatah was calling for “blood” even before the body of Abu-Khder was found, writing on Tuesday hours after the three Israeli teens were buried “an oath in the name of the Lord of the Universes, O sons of Zion: blood for blood.”

Fatah likewise justified the abduction and murder of the three Israeli teens Eyal Yifrah, Naftali Frenkel and Gilad Sha’ar by Hamas terrorists, while celebrating the terror act with grotesque cartoons on its Facebook.

Despite the calls for violence from his own party, Abbas on Monday demanded that Israel stop its airstrikes in Gaza that come in response to the recent barrage of rocket fire from the terrorist stronghold, even while not condemning that rocket fire or the widespread Arab violence against Jews in the massive riots that have engulfed Israel since last Wednesday.

The Fatah posts show a remarkable similarity to the propaganda videos recently released by Hamas this week, one of which threatened “settlers” in Judea and Samaria that their homes are within their rockets’ range, after another “scare video” targeting Be’er Sheva residents.

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