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svgadminsvgSeptember 8, 2015svgNews

Protestors: Wasserman-Schultz ‘Has Blood on her Hands’

Constituents from Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s highly Jewish Florida district have called for her to resign immediately for having allegedly betrayed the will of her voters. Schultz said on Sunday she would support the nuclear agreement negotiated by the United States and five other powers with Iran.

In a statement released to The Miami Herald on Sunday, Wasserman Schultz – who also is the Chair of the Democratic National Committee – wrote: “I have subsequently come to the conclusion that the agreement promotes the national security interests of the United States and our allies and merits my vote of support.”

Shortly afterward, thousands of her constituents called for her “immediate resignation for having betrayed the trust of those who voted for her” and for “going against the will of the majority of her constituents.”

An August Quinnipiac poll showed Florida voters oppose the pact 61 percent to 25 percent – and Schultz’s district has the second highest percentage of Jews in the state.

Just last week, reports, hundreds of protestors gathered outside of her Aventura, Florida office, to urge her to vote against the Iran nuclear agreement.

“If she can live with herself and sleep at night and have blood on her hands, then so be it. That’s her choice,” the website cited protestor Racheli Refaael as saying. David Leo, who is one of the leaders of the “Wasserman Schultz Must Go” movement, said that Wasserman Schultz has placed her role as DNC Chairwoman and as Obama’s “head cheerleader” above the security of Israel and the United States.

“This is nothing more than a politically expedient decision with no regard to the true will of her constituents and the country as a whole,” said Leo. “She is a self-serving politician; a narcissist whose only concern is being re-elected. Not this time, Debbie.”

“The Jewish community is not a stupid community,” said Leo, in response to the congresswoman’s claim that she made her decision based on classified briefings and objective foreign policy considerations. “We’ve supported Debbie Wasserman Schultz in the past in part because she is one of our own and someone we thought would act in the best interests of America and our most reliable ally in the Middle East, Israel. Clearly, we were wrong. With Debbie it’s all about Debbie. That’s an irrefutable fact.”

“Debbie’s gone too far this time,” quoted Leo as saying. “Widespread condemnation is mounting. She will not be re-elected. Count on it.”

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