Israeli aircraft on Wednesday night attacked a military compound belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization in northern Gaza from which shots were fired at two homes in the Hof Ashkelon region of southern Israel on Wednesday evening.
“The IDF holds the Hamas terrorist organization solely responsible for the Gaza Strip and for maintaining peace in the region”, the IDF Spokesperson stated.
At approximately 7 p.m. Wednesday Israeli residents reported hearing the sounds of light weapons fire from Gaza, and soon discovered the damage in their town.
Though the gunfire was likely not purposefully directed towards the Israeli town, it could well have proven deadly nonetheless.
In one of the homes hit, the bullets shattered several windows, while in the other it struck the wall of a room where a father was watching TV with his children.
Fortunately, however, no injuries were reported.
After an initial investigation, the IDF said the gunfire – which left several bullet holes on the Israeli home – was not the result of a terrorist attack but stray fire from a Hamas training drill near the border with Israel.