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svgadminsvgSeptember 1, 2015svgNews

Special Security Officer to Guard Jerusalem’s Old City

In the midst of an ongoing wave of terror in Jerusalem, a security officer has been appointed by the municipality to help protect the security of Jews in the area. 

Arutz Sheva has learned that the officer began his job on Tuesday, joining a security officer appointed by the educational system and working on behalf of the municipality in Old City neighborhoods, including the Jewish Quarter. 

Last week it was revealed the Housing Ministry is operating a security system in the Old City Basin – three quarters of the Old City, the Mount of Olives, Shiloach (Silwan) and the City of David – which suggests Jerusalem is indeed under an intifada. 

While the data published did not include a full count of terror attacks in villages and neighborhoods in eastern Jerusalem, it is clear security in the capital is in a bad state. 

In June and July, there were 580 terror attacks against Jewish civilians and security forces, including 477 stone-throwing attacks at vehicles and 28 firebombing attacks on Jewish houses and vehicles. 

Other security incidents include throwing empty glass bottles, shooting fireworks and destruction of property. 

Jerusalem city councilman Aryeh King pushed the council to appoint a security officer to guard the Old City, citing the “hundreds of calls from residents” who felt the city was not taking an active enough role in preventing attacks. 

“This is an area of the Old City and Jewish communities surrounding the Old City, King told Arutz Sheva, noting that since Rosh Hashana last year, there have been 3,100 attacks against Jews in the capital. 

“You cannot expect a citizen, a building or a neighborhood to take care [of this threat] compared to security officers whose daily routine involves security matters,” the councilman explained. 

“People are busy working and studying and a security chief financed by the city will fill that gap,” King stressed. “This new appointment will allow residents to present their  position to the authorities and will allow the municipality to represent the residents and guard their interests against various law enforcement agencies, with the ultimate goal of making the Old City and its surroundings a safer place.”

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