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admin March 10, 2015 News

PA Calls to Sue Liberman at ICC for ‘Behead Arabs’ Call

Yisrael Beytenu chairman Avigdor Liberman has raised the ire of the Palestinian Authority (PA), after he advocated “cutting off the heads” of Arab residents who are not loyal to the state of Israel on Sunday.

At an election event, Liberman opined “those who are with us deserve everything, but those who are against us deserve to have their heads chopped off with an axe.”

The PA government that met in Ramallah on Tuesday issued a condemnation of the “racist call to murder by the radical Liberman, which says to behead Palestinians with an axe.”

In the condemnation, the PA labelled the statement “an official call as clear as day to murder Palestinians and Arabs after conducting a campaign of ethnic purification, which he is preaching.”

“The (PA) government emphasized that the hatred and incitement of Liberman obligates the international community to condemn him, to boycott him and stand him on trial for his terrorist statements in front of the International Criminal Court (ICC) like terrorists who threaten humanity and spread ideas and concepts against humanity,” concluded the statement.

Radical Arab MK Ahmed Tibi preempted the PA criticism on Monday, when he called Liberman the “Jewish ISIS” in reference to the brutal Islamic State terrorist regime. Tibi has himself openly supported Hamas, a terrorist organization with the genocide of the Jewish people written into its charter.

Perhaps explaining Liberman’s statement is the fact that he has openly been calling for the death penalty against Arab terrorists in the current elections campaign. While Israel has the death penalty, it has only been used once against Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann.

In the same event on Sunday, Liberman outlined his plan to give up giant swathes of Israel, including portions not over the 1949 Armistice Lines, and indicated that instead of beheading disloyal Arab citizens his real intention was to have them live in an Arab state in the heart of Israel.

“Those who raise the black flag on ‘Nakba Day’ in mourning over the establishment of Israel do not belong here, as far as I am concerned, and I am quite willing to donate them to PA chief Mahmoud Abbas. It would be my pleasure,” he said.

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