A prostitute helped Thai police in the arrest of three Iranian terrorists involved in last week’s botched bomb plot. A fourth suspect, a woman, who arranged for renting a house for her and the terrorists, has fled to Iran.
Bombs that the men were putting together accidentally blew up in the house, and the trio have been arrested, two of them in Thailand and one in Malaysia.
Thai police discovered that the terrorists, all of them Iranians who had entered the country a week and a half ago, has been hanging around a city known for its brothels. A photograph published in a Bangkok newspaper showed the men with prostitutes while they sat in a bar with drinks and hookah pipes in the background, according to Newstrack India.
One of the women identified one of the terrorists, Mohammad Kharzei, and almost discovered the terror plot. Police said he stopped her from getting closer to a closet in his hotel room, where explosive materials were hidden.
Thai authorities said that a fourth suspect, Leila Rohani, fled to Iran and that there is no chance of her being extradited because of the lack of an extradition treaty between the two countries.
Police have confirmed that the terrorists intended to target Israelis, particularly diplomats.
One of the terrorists, Saerb Morabi, blew off his own legs when he threw a bomb at police. The explosive device hit a nearby vehicle, bounced back to him and then exploded, leaving him on the ground and without one leg.
Two other possible suspects still are at large, one of them a white-bearded man who is thought to be a bomb-maker. He was caught on a closed circuit camera as he fled the house where the explosion took place.
The other suspect rented out the house to the Iranians along with Rohani.