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svgadminsvgFebruary 2, 2015svgNews

Survey: Likud Pulls Ahead of Labor-Hatnua with 25 Seats

Likud is gaining in the polls and if elections were held today, Likud would receive the most seats of any party with 25, according to a survey published Monday evening in Haaretz. 

Trailing slightly behind in the survey is Labor-Hatnua with 23 mandates, making them the second largest party in the 20th Knesset.

The third largest party continues to be Jewish Home with 14 seats, although this is a noticeable drop from the 15-18 mandates predicted in previous surveys. 

The joint Arab list comprised of Balad, Hadash, and United Arab List follows with 12 seats. 

Yair Lapid’s center-left party Yesh Atid would win nine seats, with haredi party United Torah Judaism and Moshe Kahlon’s Kulanu not far behind, both with eight mandates. 

Shas is predicted to win six seats. 

Rounding out the survey are the far-left Meretz party with five seats and Yachad-Ha’am Itanu at four. 

It is good news for Eli Yishai’s new party which has slowly started to find its footing after weeks of failing in the polls.

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