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svgadminsvgJanuary 11, 2012svgNews

Intelligence Officer: Iran Trying to Keep Assad Alive

Chief of Defense Intelligence, Maj. Gen. Aviv Kohavi, told new intelligence officers Wednesday that Iran and Hizbullah are actively involved in Syrian strongman Bashar Assad’s attempt to maintain power. He did not elaborate.

He spoke at the 145th Intelligence Officers Course graduation ceremony.

Maj. Gen. Kohavi said, “The radical axis operates to preserve its strength. As time passes, Iran and Hizbullah persist in their efforts to prolong Assad’s regime by providing him with the know-how, arms and additional means, lately doing so through active involvement.”

The Middle East, he said, has “the highest global rate of arming” and is “a changing landscape as we have previously not known.”

“Although the winds of change may bring with them hope and opportunity, in the short to medium term there are increasing risks. Learning from our experience, we must prepare for the developing threats.”

After the new intelligence officers received their ranks, Maj. Gen. Kohavi congratulated them, saying – “You will not only determine the strength of the Intelligence Corps, but the quality of the intelligence provided to the IDF and the State of Israel.”

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