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svgadminsvgJune 26, 2014svgNews

Woman and Three Children Killed in Bus-Car Collision

A woman and three children were killed Thursday in a crash between a bus and a private car on Highway 784 between Hanaton and Kafr Manda in the lower Galilee. The woman is the mother of two of the children, and the third child is reportedly a relative.

A Magen David Adom (MDA) helicopter and intensive care ambulances that reached the scene of the crash pronounced two boys, aged 3 and 13, and a 39-year-old woman, dead. A four-year-old girl was taken to Rambam Hospital as ambulance teams tried to resuscitate her, but she was pronounced dead in the end, too.

All four dead were reportedly in the private car.

Voice of Israel gave the ages of the two boys killed as 1.5 and 12, and the woman’s as 30.

Eight of the bus’s passengers were also being treated, and were said to be in light condition.

Paramedic Eyal Helfman, who was in the first intensive care ambulance to reach the scene, said that he found the woman and children trapped inside the car, in critical condition. “When I arrived and I saw how big and serious this event was, I started treating the victims,” he said. “Unfortunately, the deaths of two children and a woman were determined on the spot and nothing could be done to save them.”

Earlier Thursday, a serious road crash took place on Route 264, between Kibbutz Beit Kama and Kibbutz Shoval in the northern Negev. A woman, 56, was killed, and a man, 30, was moderately injured.

MDA crews determined the death of the woman at the location and gave treatment to the wounded man. One of the cars apparently crashed into the other, which was parked at the shoulder of the road.


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