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svgadminsvgMay 9, 2014svgNews

Shots Fired into Gush Etzion Overnight

Shots were fired at the religious Kibbutz Migdal Oz in Gush Etzion, located adjacent to Efrat, in the early hours of Friday morning.

No injuries or damage was reported; IDF forces searched the area and apprehended two suspects. 

This is the second shooting attack on a Judea-Samaria town this week.

On Wednesday, terrorists shot into a family’s garden in the Samaria town of Psagot, setting off alarms but causing no injuries. 

Following the incident, the heads of Psagot called on Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon to work to eradicate terrorism.

“Today’s incident is the fourth in Psagot in the past week,” they said. “Last week, rocks were thrown towards the community, on Friday night a burning tire was thrown on a fence and caused it serious damage. Rocks were thrown at the firefighters who came to put out the fire.”

“The shooting today is a direct continuation of the terrorism that has been rearing its head. As long as the security system does not treat rock throwing as terrorism, they will continue to try to hurt us through shootings,” they warned.

Migdal Oz was similar shot at by a terrorist who opened fire with an improvised weapon in January. There were no casualties, and the IDF was able to apprehend the terrorist 20 seconds after he opened fire.

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