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svgadminsvgDecember 5, 2011svgNews

Lebanon Complains Israel Defended Itself at UN

Lebanon filed a complaint Monday against Israel at the United Nations for firing “missiles” into southern Lebanon on November 29.

On November 29 the Abullah Azzam Shaheed Brigades fired four Katyusha rockets at communities in northern Israel, destroying a chicken coop and causing a fire when gas tanks were hit. IDF forces immediately responded by firing six artillery shells at the Katyusha launcher, which was located in a remote area.

Nonetheless, Lebanon’s Foreign Ministry instructed its UN envoy, Nawaf Salam, to file a complaint against Israel claiming the Jewish State had violated UN Security Council Resolution 1701 and various “international laws and pacts” by defending itself.

Lebanon also claimed Israel’s response “threatened international peace and security.”

However, legal experts note Israel insisted UNSCR 1701 includes the language “the right to self-defense must be preserved” allowing for responses to immediate security threats – such as the IDF response last week.

Lebanese President Michel Sleiman dismissed the attack on Israel by terrorists in Lebanon saying it was “an individual incident.” Sleiman did concede, however, that the attack itself was a violation of UNSCR 1701.

“The firing of rockets, which was carried out individually, toward occupied Palestinian territory does not serve the interest of solidarity with the Palestinian people,” Sleiman said in a statement on the day of the attack.

Israeli officials did not immediately respond to Lebanon’s complaint at the United Nations.

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