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svgadminsvgSeptember 10, 2013svgNews

Israeli Ambushed by Arab Car Thieves

An Israeli car dealer escaped injured but alive after driving into an ambush planned by Palestinian Authority resident thieves posing as clients seeking to buy vehicles.

The attack took place at the Doar Junction between the communities of Talmo and Harsha in the region of Binyamin.

The dealer, a resident of Hadera, had made an appointment with the apparent potential buyers near to the village of Ni’lin close to the Israeli community of Hashmona’im.

When the man arrived he made a call to the phony buyers who told him to meet them at a more secluded junction. When he arrived several Arab men attacked him and dragged him from his car before driving away with the stolen vehicle leaving him with no form of communication.

Later he was picked up by a passing Israeli car who dropped him at the gate of the Dolev community where he alerted security officials as to what had happened.

Police officials said that an investigation has been launched in an attempt to locate the stolen vehicle.

This is one of many violent car thefts to have taken place this year. Police have warned Israelis to have added vigilance.

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