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svgadminsvgAugust 6, 2013svgNews

Barkat: Jerusalem is of One the Safest Cities in the World

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat is promising to develop Jerusalem for the benefit of younger citizens as well as olim (new immigrants).

Barkat spoke to Arutz Sheva at a huge aliyah event which took place last week in Jerusalem.

“We’re becoming a place for tourists, for residents, for investors, and I’m eager to develop the city for the benefit of olim and of young people,” he said.

“The new immigrants are part of the strategy,” he explained. “We need to expand the number of Jews who come to Jerusalem, build their home, raise their kids and find a job. Every oleh who comes to Jerusalem is good for the olim and is also extremely important for the future of the city of Jerusalem.”

Barkat, who will seek a second term as mayor in the municipal elections this coming October, said that his plans for the next five years, if he is re-elected, include a dramatic increase in the job market, which olim could easily integrate in, because they are well-versed in languages such as English and French.

“For me, the job market is the most important element for olim and young people,” he said. “Along with that, we’re expanding education and other elements of quality of life that are very important for me to improve.”

Jerusalem, said Mayor Barkat, is one of the safest cities not only in Israel, but in the entire world.

“Los Angeles has 10 times more crime per capita,” he said. “Jerusalem is one of the safest cities in the world, so we need some perspective. We have the best police force and they know how to do the job phenomenally well. Walk the streets of Jerusalem and you’ll see that the residents and the visitors feel extremely safe.”

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