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svgadminsvgAugust 3, 2013svgNews

Lieberman: No Chance Peace Talks will Succeed

Ex-Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Saturday evening that there is no chance that “peace talks” between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) will lead to a peace deal.

“Nine months from now, even the respectable people leading the process will understand that it is impossible to reach a comprehensive diplomatic agreeement,” Lieberman told Channel 10. “We need to make do with what we have – security and economic cooperation, and building a common path.”

“The chance that the Governance Law will pass in this time is much greater than the chance of reaching a permanent status accord with the Palestinians,” estimated Lieberman, “Next month, we will be marking 20 years since the Oslo accords, and people who have not learned anything in 20 years will not learn in 120 years either.”

Lieberman denied that the Governance Law was meant to push Arab parties out of the Knesset. When asked about a protest against the law by MK Ahmed Tibi, he said: “I hope I caused Tibi heartburn and an uilcer. If he winds up leaving Israel, I will not be sorry.”

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