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svgadminsvgApril 14, 2013svgNews

200-Person Delegation from UJA Federation of NY in Israel

The UJA Federation of New York, considered to be the largest local philanthropy in the world, is in Israel with a 200-person delegation, to show support for the Jewish state on Memorial Day and Independence Day.

Mark D. Medin, Senior Vice President for Financial Resource Development at UJA Federation of New York, told Arutz Sheva:

“We are very excited to be bringing a 200-person mission to Israel next week to celebrate Yom Haatzmaut, to celebrate with the people of Israel, in Israel, on Israel’s 65th anniversary. Because Israel is such a critical important part of what the UJA Federation represents, and as the leading and most important Jewish organization in New York, we thought it was essential to be in Israel with a large delegation, to show our support for Israel, to feel the vibrancy, to see the beauty, to understand the challenges and to celebrate the successes of Israel on its 65th anniversary.”

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