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svgadminsvgDecember 13, 2012svgNews

PA Arabs Riot, Attack Israeli Soldiers in Hevron

Palestinian Authority Arabs rioted Thursday in Hevron, where they hurled rocks and bottles at Israeli soldiers. IDF troops responded with mob control methods that included the use of tear gas.

There were no reports of serious injuries, according to local sources, who said that nearly a hundred protesters had attempted to storm the IDF troops.

A damaging video of Israeli soldiers fleeing from rock-throwing terrorists has inspired an IDF review of the limitations being placed on the nation’s troops.

Several Israeli soldiers have charged that officers’ concerns about media photos have recently forced them to retreat in the face of PA Arab mob attacks.

In his official reaction to the video, IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz said “The IDF is ready for all eventualities, although we are not hungry for blood. Unfortunately in the recent operation in Gaza, there were some people who were killed who were not terrorists. In the future we will continue to avoid hunting civilians.”

The video, which was posted to the YouTube website last weekend, showed IDF soldiers running for cover as a mob of Arabs chased them, hurling rocks and bricks. Israeli soldiers armed with weapons did not respond, but instead ran away, using their shields to protect themselves from the stones thrown by the attackers.

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