Seven Knesset members who belong to the Kadima party have filed a request to split off from the party and form a Knesset faction affiliated with Tzipi Livni’s new political party. Seven Knesset members can form a new faction, according to Israeli law.
Livni was formerly head of the opposition, as leader of Kadima, but was voted out as leader of the party in March 2012. She resigned from the Knesset in May 2012. Kadima is expected to disappear or come close to it in the coming elections.
The MKs’ move could bring Livni more than one million shekels in campaign funding. Existing parties’ spending is based on the number of current MKs they boast.
Among those asking to leave are MKs Yoel Hasson, Robert Tiviaev, Shlomo Molla, Orit Zuaretz, Rachel Adatto and Majallie Whbee, all close to Livni.
Livni announced the creation of a new party, “The Movement,” at noon on Tuesday. She was immediately criticized by Labor and Yesh Atid, both of which are expected to lose seats to her.
Labor protesters who demonstrated outside her press conference accused Livni of ensuring Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s overwhelming victory in the elections. “Ego isn’t everything,” they chanted.