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svgadminsvgOctober 2, 2012svgNews

Pro-America Rally Held Outside U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv

A rally is now under way outside of the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv, as Israelis attempt to express support and solidarity with the United States, amidst the growing sentiment that the U.S. is waning in its support of Israel.

Organized by Im Tirzu (If you wish) the pro-America rally aims to let the United States know that Israel is still America’s strongest allie in the Middle East. 

“We wish to remind our friends in the US that there is only one country in the Middle East that shares the values of freedom and liberty; one country in the Middle East that the US can always count on for support,” the group writes on its Facebook page. “Israel stands with the American people against those who would like to see the fall of Western values.”

The rally was stirred by the many unfolding events of the past few weeks during which U.S. embassies were attacked throughout the Middle East and amid reports and criticism that the U.S. is lessening its support for Israel, especially in regards to the ongoing threat from Iran. 

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