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svgadminsvgJuly 18, 2012svgNews

Shin Bet Orders Flights to E. Europe Delayed

The Shin Bet, or Israel Security Agency, has issued unprecedented orders to postpone scheduled flights to 11 locations in Eastern Europe.

Ben Gurion Airport management has announced that changes in the departure and arrival time of flights can be expected as a result.

Security sources said that there is concern in Israel regarding a possible series of terror attacks against Israeli targets worldwide. Israel therefore wants to reschedule flights, in order to make it more difficult for the planners of terror acts to carry out the attacks.

Following the Shin Bet directive, Minister of Transportation Yisrael Katz has issued instructions to set up a situation room in Ben Gurion Airport, which will give the public information regarding flights leaving the airport.

El Al flight LY551 to Sofia, Bulgaria, has been delayed following the terror attack in Burgas. It was scheduled to take off at 7:15 p.m.

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