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svgadminsvgMay 11, 2012svgNews

Terrorists Fire Qassam Rocket at Southern Israel

A Qassam rocket launched by terrorists in Hamas-controlled Gaza exploded on Friday afternoon in an open area of the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council.

The “Red Alert” siren was sounded in the area before the rocket exploded. There were no reports of physical injuries or damage.

On Wednesday evening, at least one Grad rocket was fired into southern Israel. The rocket landed in an open field in the Shaar HaNegev council region near Saad.

No physical injuries or property damage was reported in the attack, which happened as Israelis began their Lag Ba’Omer celebrations. Such celebrations often include bonfires, barbeques, and dancing in open fields.

Last week Gaza-based terrorists fired a Qassam rocket at southern Israel. The rocket exploded in an open area in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council. There were no reports of physical injuries or damages.

A day earlier, terrorists in Gaza launched a rocket at the town of Sderot. The rocket landed in an area about a kilometer away from Israel’s security fence along the Gaza border. The explosion occurred in an open area, and no property damage was reported by the authorities. No one was physically injured.

In response to the two attacks, IAF aircraft struck a terror tunnel in northern Gaza last Tuesday.

In March, terror gangs in Gaza fired over 200 rockets into Israel over a period of four days following the targeted killing of Popular Resistance Committee leader Zuhir Musa Ahmed Qaisi and his deputy, Mahmoud Ahmed Mahmoud Hanani.

The quiet in the south has mostly been maintained since Egypt brokered a ceasefire between the sides. However, a ‘ceasefire’ for the terrorist groups mean that they do not fire barrages of rockets, but periodically send a reminder to Israelis that they have the ability to disrupt their lives.

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