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svgadminsvgAugust 4, 2016svgNews

Rapper accuses Minister’s daughter of converting to Islam

The Israeli rapper Yoav Eliasi, popularly known as Hatzel (‘The Shadow’) launched a counterattack against Likud MK Benny Begin in an interview with Reshet Bet, after the latter criticized Eliasi’s recent registration with the Likud party.

“Who is he that he can preach to me? His daughter converted to Islam and his son throws rocks at IDF soldiers,” Eliasi said.

The Begin family has adamantly denied the claims.

In the interview, Eliasi explained that he had decided to join Likud in order to “try to bring change.”

“Once, Likud was a right-wing party, today it is a zig-zagging party, you can’t tell right from left, and what the ideology is there. Factors have entered which aren’t supposed to be there,” Eliasi asserted about the current state of the Likud party.

“I don’t know what Menachem Begin’s considerations were, but it seems to me that it always happens that, towards the end of their terms of leadership, powerful and faithful Likud leaders lose it a bit.”

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