Amona residents: The ball is in Netanyahu’s court



Residents of Amona acknowledged on Thursday that the fate of their community lies in the hands of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, following the Supreme Court’s final ruling that the community must be demolished by December 26.

Amona – located near the town of Ofra in Samaria’s Binyamin Region – has been deemed illegal by the court, which has ruled that the village was constructed on private Arab land.

Residents reject the claim that their community is built on private Arab-owned land, accusing nearby Arab villagers of fabricating the claims at the encouragement of left-wing agitators.

But in order to have the demolition orders cancelled, Amona residents said on Thursday, a Knesset law legalizing Amona must be passed, and that will only be possible if Netanyahu personally works to ensure that a majority of MKs support such legislation.

Political officials told Arutz Sheva Thursday night said that “the eyes of the residents of Amona must look towards the Prime Minister’s home on Balfour Street. In order to prevent the demolition, the personal intervention of the Prime Minister is required in the form of a law or by finding a creative legal solution that would legalize the Amona homes.”

On Wednesday, the residents of Amona set up a protest tent outside Netanyahu’s Jerusalem office.

A number of ministers and Knesset members joined the demonstrators, including Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel (Jewish Home), Welfare Minister Haim Katz (Likud), Jerusalem Minister Ze’ev Elkin (Likud), and MKs Yehuda Glick and Miki Zohar (both Likud). All shared the call “Amona won’t fall again.”


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