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admin July 6, 2016 News

Man who filmed terror attempt: You don’t see that every day

Netanel Peretz never planned on capturing a terror attempt on camera.

The camera mounted in the car driven by Peretz (33), of the Samarian town of Kohav Hashahar, caught an attempted stabbing attack yesterday (Tuesday), in what he said was a purely incidental occurrence. A female terrorist tried to stab two soldiers at a bus stop at the Gitai Evyashar junction just outside of the city of Ariel, with the entire incident clearly visible in the footage caught by Peretz’s camera.

“I didn’t dream I’d catch something like that”, Peretz told Channel 2 news, “I always drive with a camera as insurance in case something happens on the road and I’m in need of evidence.”

“I was driving normally and suddenly I saw those soldiers, and I immediately grasped what was happening, a terrorist was trying to stab two soldiers while they train their weapons on her.” 

Netanel continued driving toward his destination when it was all over. “I thought about stopping but I saw that the soldiers had already taken care of the situation. My heart was beating fast, of course. You don’t see something like that every day.”

Peretz didn’t hesitate to post the footage online. “I think it’s very important to show these things for one simple reason: The government isn’t doing anything to stop this terror. I am actually on the ground. I drive along all the roads and I see everything is all open,” he attested, “This is why the footage has great importance, so that people can see for themselves what we’re dealing with.” 

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