Elizabeth Warren to be Clinton’s choice for VP?



Democratic Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren appeared with Hilary Clinton at a rally for the first time today (Monday) at a campaign rally. 

Warren, wearing a blue suit nearly identical to Clinton’s, played her usual role of Donald Trump attacker in her speech, calling the presumptive Republican nominee “a small, insecure money grubber” who would “crush you into the dirt,” and saying he’s only in it for himself.

Clinton followed and heaped praise on Warren, saying, “You just saw why she is considered so terrific, so formidable, because she tells it like it is.”

Senator Warren, a former Harvard law professor, has been widely rumored to be the leading candidate to be Clinton’s running mate in the upcoming election. The outspoken Senator is seen as a potential bridge between the ‘establishment’-type Hilary Clinton and the more radical Bernie Sanders supporters. Like Sanders, Warren has attacked Wall Street repeatedly for running what they claim is a “rigged economy”. She has also repeatedly advocated for making college more affordable and relieving student debt, two more of Sanders’ favorite issues.

 Warren would appear to be a potentially valuable asset to the Clinton campaign due to her ability to take a tone similar to Trump’s and use it against him. Trump, for his part, will continue to attack and mock Warren about her claim of Native American ancestry, for which he has nicknamed her “Pocahontas”. 

Clinton didn’t directly address the Vice Presidential rumors, but she did indicate that Warren would be an integral part of her administration’s operations.  

“As soon as we start to work, Elizabeth, we’ll take the day off for the inauguration, but then the Senate, the Congress, the White House, we are going to get to work to give students and their families relief from this debt,” Clinton said.


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