Oren Hazen moving to Amona ahead of planned evacuation



MK Oren Hazan (Likud) is looking to move to the Samarian community of Amona, which is slated for destruction later this year, following a ruling by the Supreme Court deeming the town illegal.

Hazan spoke with representatives of Amona about the possibility of renting out a caravan, the MK told Arutz Sheva. Hazan said he plans to move to the community in the coming days.

Sources close to Hazan explained the move.

“The public is tired of politicians who just talk in [empty] slogans and criticize from the sidelines.”

Given Hazan’s parliamentary immunity, the prospect of evicting a sitting MK could raise unique procedural problems for the army if plans to evacuate the community are in fact carried out.

But security forces showed little deference to Knesset Members who participated in protests against the demolition of nine houses in Amona in February, 2006. Three MKs were wounded in clashes as security forces removed hundreds of demonstrators.

On Monday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu pledged to Likud members that he would find a solution for Amona.

“The subject of Amona is sitting on my desk. I’m dealing with it. I’ve had meetings about the issue of Amona and I will continue to hold talks with those involved in the matter. We’re still looking for the solution. I will do everything in my power to find a solution to the issue of Amona.”

The Prime Minister noted, however, that the issue was complicated and that there was no simple solution.

“We need to remember that there is a court order here. I hear recommendations and I’m open to any advice. If you have a suggestion you are welcome to offer it to me.”


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