Former MK on Dr. Moskowitz: ‘Because of you, we are winning’



Arutz Sheva founder and former National Union party leader Yaakov “Ketzaleh” Katz spoke at Dr. Irving Moskowitz’s funeral.

“Because of you we are winning,” he said, hailing the philanthropist’s prominent role in supporting Jewish communities in Israel, and in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem in particular. “We have today, in Judea and Samaria and in eastern Jerusalem, over 800,000 Jews. By having that quantity, we won.”

Katz continued: “From the first beginning, you had one thing on your mind: how to keep Jerusalem and through Jerusalem, to keep all of Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel), and through Eretz Yisrael to keep Am Yisrael (the Jewish People). And you have succeeded in doing it.”

Katz is the chair of Arutz Sheva and of the Beit El Yeshiva.


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