Remembering the ‘President of Jerusalem’




Jewish-American philanthropist Dr. Irving Moskowitz (z”l) was laid to rest on Monday at the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.

Moskowitz, who was among the most prominent financial backers of Jewish communities in eastern Jerusalem and across Judea and Samaria, passed away last Thursday at his home in Florida. He was 88 years old.

Rabbi Yaakov Shapira, Rosh Yeshiva of Merkaz HaRav, eulogized Moskowitz.

“He was pure life. We are crestfallen. Much can be said about the man and his work, ‘the man on the wall’ [guarding the city]; the ‘president of Jerusalem,’ as my father called him, now joins the many great people who worked to restore [Jerusalem] to its former greatness.”

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat also spoke at the funeral, remembering Moskowitz as a “pioneer” and “man of vision”.

“Today we lay to rest a pioneer… a man of vision who saw the rebuilding of Jerusalem as his purpose in life. Irving was one of the first to invest and to donate to the development of Jewish settlement in eastern Jerusalem, [something which] came from an understanding of and belief in its importance and a deep sense of public [service].”

“Today, as we see the City of David – Kfar Shiloah – blossoming, the [Jewish community in] the Old City expanding in all quarters, the neighborhood in Maaleh Zeitim, the neighborhood of Nof Tzion, the Beit Orot yeshiva and other places [across Jerusalem], we can safely say that the Moskowitz family and Irving in particular made a tremendous and critical contribution to the building of, settling of, and unification of Jerusalem.”


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