Zoabi eyes another Gaza flotilla



MK Hanin Zoabi (Balad / Joint List) reportedly intends to join a flotilla to Gaza, some six years after she participated in a flotilla aboard the infamous Mavi Marmara, where terrorists prepared an ambush for Israeli commandos.

According to Channel 2 TV News’s website, the Freedom Flotilla will be an all-female endeavor, sailing in mid-September and expected to reach Gaza October 1.

Videotape from the Mavi Marmara showed Zoabi going down the staircase of the ship not far from where the terrorists were preparing their weapons for use against IDF soldiers. She denied knowing that they were planning an ambush. The incident ended with nine terrorists dead after the IDF commandos were brutalized upon boarding the ship and had no choice but to shoot to kill. 

Zoabi recently rejoined Knesset activity after four months’ suspension from the Knesset plenum. The Ethics Committee had punished her and two other Balad MKs for meeting the families of terrorists who had been killed after they murdered Israelis in Jerusalem, and promising to return the bodies of the terrorists, whom they termed “martyrs,” to their families.

This week, she suffered a serious politic al setback in the Balad party’s convention, and she may not make it into the next Knesset.


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