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svgadminsvgJune 5, 2016svgNews

Hevron activist investigated for call to ‘uproot’ leftists

The Israeli Security Agency’s (ISA or Shin Bet) Judea and Samaria district nationalistic crime unit on Sunday investigated nationalist activist Noam Federman of Hevron, on claims that he “incited violence” in statements made over half-a-year ago.

The investigation was spurred by a complaint submitted against Federman by the radical leftist group Peace Now.

Federman was investigated for statements he made early last November during the 25th annual memorial of former MK Rabbi Meir Kahane, in which he said leftist organizations working against the state are accursed and should be uprooted.

Under investigation the activist told the investigators that it was his right to think “that the leftists are accursed,” and that therefore their treacherous phenomenon should be uprooted.

He added that he didn’t see there being any legal problem with his expressing those opinions.

At the conclusion of the investigation Federman issued a complaint against Peace Now for harassment and making false complaints.

He clarified that he doesn’t take back what he said, and no investigation will cause him to change his opinions.

It remains unclear why Federman was investigated precisely on Jerusalem Day over statements he made over eight months ago.

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