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svgadminsvgMay 14, 2016svgNews

Revealed: Netanyahu’s harshly worded letter to France

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu sent a strongly worded letter to French President Francois Hollande after France supported a UNESCO proposal denying the Jewish connection to the Temple Mount, it was revealed on Saturday night.

The Paris-based UN cultural body had adopted the resolution on “Occupied Palestine” presented by several Arab countries in mid-April, referring several times to Israel as the “occupying power”.

“The organization responsible for safeguarding the world’s historic heritage has stooped to rewriting a basic and irrefutable part of human history,” Netanyahu wrote to Hollande.

“While we have no illusions regarding the United Nations’ commitment to truth or fairness, we were frankly shocked to witness our French friends raising their hands in favor of this disgraceful decision,” he continued.

“The international validation of Palestinian efforts to deny Jewish history and to perpetuate the myth of Israel’s aggression on the Temple Mount is not only immoral, it is also dangerous,” added Netanyahu in his letter to the French president.

It is unclear whether the letter was the reason for French Prime Minister Manuel Valls’ statement this week that the resolution was “clumsy” and “unfortunate” and said it should have been avoided.

“This UNESCO resolution contains unfortunate, clumsy wording that offends and unquestionably should have been avoided, as should the vote,” Valls told parliament.

Valls’ comments followed a similar objection by France’s Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve, who said the resolution “should not have been adopted.”

The comments also come ahead of French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault’s visit to Israel on Sunday, where he is scheduled to meet Netanyahu and discuss France’s attempt to resurrect the peace process with the Palestinian Authority (PA).

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