The Special Branch of the Dehli police deported Iranian national Hamid Kashkouli, 40, who was pursuing his PhD from the University of Pune (UoP) in India, Pune Mirror reported.
Kashkouli was found spying on the Chabad House in Koregaon Park, the Rasta Peth Synagogue and other Jewish and Israeli targets.
Kashkouli was on the payrolls of the Iranian intelligence, according to reports.
Following a court order, Kashkouli was deported to Iran from Delhi, last month.
According to the newspaper, the topic of Kashkouli’s thesis was ‘Foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran during the presidency of Khatmi’ and he had enrolled himself at UoP’s Department of Defense and Strategic Studies in 2007.
Kashkouli lived in Bavdhan and was an active member of the Iranian Students’ Association.
“He came to India under the pretext of being a student but was keeping a close eye on the Jewish centres in Pune,” according to police.
“He had collected information about visitors’ movements at the Chabad House and the Synagogue which he forwarded to intelligence officials in Tehran,” the added.
According to reports, he regularly travelled in a private car to the Iranian Consulate in Mumbai for unexplained reasons.
The driver, who was detained for questioning, said that he was employed by the Iranian government.
Despite being enrolled at the university, Kashkouli did not have a Student or Research visa.
“This was a matter of grave concern, especially since he called himself a PhD student,” the officer said.
His emails were intercepted and it was proven that he was an undercover agent for the Iranian government.