The radical anti-Israeli organization Zochrot will host a conference in Tel Aviv next week, thanks to funding from European governments and US organizations.
The event is titled “The Third International Conference on the Return of Palestinian Refugees.” It will focus on how to make Israel give citizenship to all Palestinians around the world, and how such a move would end Israel’s status as a Jewish state. It is co-sponsored by a number of questionable NGOs, including the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), Badil, and Baladna.
Despite having a Hebrew name, Zochrot is dedicated to portraying Israel as stolen Palestinian land. It regularly accuses Israel of participating in ethnic cleansing and refers to the creation of the state as “the Nakba” [catastrophe].
AFSC is a Quaker organization from the United States which actively promotes BDS. Badil encourages violent attacks against Israelis and refers to dead terrorists as “martyrs.” It also host an annual “Nakba” cartoon contest and often gives awards to blatantly anti-Semitic images.
Like the others, Baladna also views the creation of Israel as a catastrophe, and its goal is to discourage Israeli Arabs from serving in the IDF or doing national service. Despite its strong stance against including Arabs in Israeli life and culture, the Balanda has received almost €250,000 ($277,000 US) from the European Union and over $100,000 from the New Israel Fund.
“Zochrot and the other participating NGOs are heavily funded by groups from outside Israel, including American foundations,” says Professor Gerald Steinberg, the president of NGO Monitor. “What interest do Rockefeller Brothers Fund and American Friends Service Committee have in enabling a conference aimed at erasing Israel and ending Jewish self-determination?”
The Rockefeller Brothers Fund has given significant sums of money to all of these groups, as well as to the Jewish Voice for Peace. JVP regularly participates in extreme anti-Israel events and is used to “disprove” accusations that the participants are anti-Semitic, no matter how hateful their rhetoric.