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svgadminsvgJanuary 23, 2016svgNews

Moving: Chicago teens embrace Otniel terror victim

Youthful Bnei Akiva guides in Chicago sent flowers to the family of Dafna Meir, who was murdered by an Arab terrorist last week on Sunday at the entrance to her home in Otniel, in southern Judea.

“We heard what happened and we felt awful, we thought about how we could take part and send an embrace from afar,” said one of the guides to Arutz Sheva. “Our teachers last year were close friends of Dafna,” added another.

They began gathering contributions from the Jewish community in Chicago, got in touch with a local flower vendor, and sent flowers to every family in the town. They also had a colorful sign hung at the entrance of the town reading: “Bnei Akiva Chicago embraces Otniel.”

“We wanted to feel that we were distributing the flowers ourselves and not just sending a financial donation, so we decided to gather on Thursday night and sing” a song dedicated to the mourning family, added another guide.

The Bnei Akiva guides noted that 90% of the high school seniors taking part in their program will go to Israel next year, adding, “it’s important now more than ever for us to go to our land, we are a bit concerned but not afraid!”

Bnei Akiva guides in Otniel got on board with the mission, and last Thursday afternoon gathered together and went out to distribute the flowers.

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