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svgadminsvgJanuary 23, 2016svgNews

‘Excellent leader’ Obama calls Peres after heart attack

US President Barack Obama called former President Shimon Peres over the weekend to wish him well, after Peres suffered a heart attack.

In the conversation, Obama thanked Peres for their long friendship, according to a press release on Saturday night from Peres’s office.

“I was lucky to be treated by a dedicated medical team that worked around the clock, not only to open and improve my artery but to improve my heart. I left hospital stronger than I entered,” said Peres in the phone call.

He also lauded Obama for sealing the controversial Iran nuclear deal, even as it has received criticism for the way it allows Iran to inspect its own covert nuclear sites such as Parchin, and likewise the leading state sponsor of terror can simply wait for the limitations on its nuclear program to expire under the deal in 15 years. 

“Diplomacy is always the preferred route over war and violence and you proved that through diplomacy you can reach one-of-a-kind agreements. You handled regional and world crisis courageously. Your unmeasurable contribution to citizens of the world will live for many year,” claimed Peres.

US Secretary of State John Kerry just last Thursday admitted that a large portion of the massive windfall in sanctions relief received by Iran as part of the deal last week will go to fund terror.

In conclusion, Peres told Obama: “I want to thank you for seven years of excellent leadership, where you built varied channels and new horizons for citizens of the United States but also for citizens of the world. Thank you for placing science at the center and leading extraordinary alliances such as the climate agreement, signed in Paris.”

Peres himself favored diplomacy, winning a Noble Peace Prize for the 1994 Oslo Accord which removed the terror status of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Fatah, established the Palestinian Authority (PA) and armed it, and largely ignited the 2000 Oslo War or Second Intifada in which well over 1,000 Israelis were murdered by Arab terrorists. A Fatah official later bragged that 70% of the attacks in the terror war were conducted by PA Security Forces created and armed in Oslo.

Just recently, Peres called the current Arab terror wave “a protest” while speaking to a German paper, claiming Israel hasn’t done enough to understand the reasons behind the terror.

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