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svgadminsvgJanuary 19, 2016svgNews

Swedish Foreign Minister under investigation for bribery

Sweden’s Prosecution Authority is opening a preliminary investigation into Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom for bribery, Reuters reports.

Wallstrom, who is best known internationally for her diatribes against Israel, allegedly rented an apartment from the country’s largest labor union, Kommunal. In doing so, she skipped the years-long waiting list.

The minister quickly responded by passing the blame on to Kommunal. “Yes, I rent an apartment from Kommunal and when we spoke about it I got confirmation from the highest level that they followed all the rules and procedures in assigning apartments, and that I was not going to jump ahead of anyone on the waiting list,” she told TT news, as quoted by AFP.

“They lied to me about this… I am angry and disappointed with Kommunal,” Wallstrom added.

Many political opponents, however, claim that she is avoiding responsibility and that her manner of using Kommunal constitutes an illegal bribe.

Wallstrom has built up a significant political rift between Sweden and Israel by reportedly suggesting that Israel was to blame for the ISIS attack in Paris and accusing Israel of executing Palestinians.

In response, Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) declared that Swedish diplomats are not welcome in Israel, and Prime Minister Netanyahu called Wallstrom’s remarks “foolish and immoral.”

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