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svgadminsvgOctober 11, 2011svgNews

38 MKs and Ministers Demand: Stop Beinisch Demolition Derby

Senior members of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s government and dozens of Knesset Members – 38 in all – sent a letter to Netanyahu Tuesday demanding that he reverse his policy, according to which Jewish houses built on privately owned land in Judea and Samaria will be razed.

The Supreme Court under President Dorit Beinisch determined that the term “private property” includes any parcel that is not state property, even if there is no claim of ownership to it by a private individual.

“These criteria discriminate against the settlers and they must be changed to rules that grant compensation to the land owners, as is common practice in Israel and the entire world,” the letter said.

Signatories include ministers Eli Yishai, Yuli Edelstein, Daniel Hershkovitz, Yaakov Mergi and Yossi Peled, as well as MKs from Likud, Shas, Yisrael Beitenu, National Union, Jewish Home and UTJ.

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