This Wednesday night marks the beginning of Israeli Independence Day, marking 67 years to the renascent modern Jewish state, and it will be celebrated by no less than 27,933 new olim (immigrants) according to the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption.
The country from which the largest number of Jews returned to their historical homeland last year was Ukraine, which produced 6,996 new olim. France was right behind at 6,377, followed by Russia at 5,040, and America with 3,208.
A youthful trend characterizes the newest Israelis, with a large portion of them being teenagers.
Israel’s new olim will join their more veteran compatriots in celebrating Independence Day in the state’s parks, where barbecue has become something of a tradition, and will likewise take in the concerts that will be held at cities nationwide.
The cities that took in the most new immigrants were Tel Aviv-Yafo at 3,275, Netanya with 3,012, and Jerusalem at 2,828.
“To the olim who are arriving from around the world their first Independence Day in Israel signifies a milestone in their acclimatization in Israel,” said Immigrant Absorption Minister Sofa Landver (Yisrael Beytenu).
“This is a day in which all the citizens of Israel join together around their shared identity that defines the Jewish state, and feel the strength of the people that brought about the implementation of our independence,” added Landver. “I am happy and proud that the new olim are experiencing this day as full-fledged citizens.”