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svgadminsvgNovember 21, 2013svgNews

21 Arrested for Rock, Firebomb Attacks in IDF Crackdown

The increasing frequency of rock and firebomb attacks targeting Israeli motorists in Judea and Samaria has led the IDF and police to crack down on “road terror.”

This week, 21 Palestinian Arab suspects were arrested on suspicion of throwing rocks or firebombs. Sixteen remain in custody following questioning, while five who were detained in the Binyamin region, north of Jerusalem, were later released.

A statement from the Israel Police said, “Police in the Judea and Samaria district, in cooperation with the IDF, will keep working to reduce rock attacks as much as possible.”

The crackdown follows a particularly serious attack last week, when a firebomb nearly killed a couple as they drove toward Jerusalem. Zachy and Na’ama Choory escaped their flaming vehicle just before it was consumed by fire, and Na’ama suffered serious burns.

Earlier Thursday it was revealed that four Palestinian Arab men from Kotzra had been arrested for committing thefts targeting Israeli Jews in Judea and Samaria. The group was nabbed after a failed carjacking attempt.

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