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svgadminsvgDecember 7, 2013svgNews

2 Rockets Fired Into Israel From Gaza; No Injuries Reported

Two Kassam rockets were fired into Israel Saturday from Gaza, Channel 10 reports. The rockets landed in an uninhabited areas; no injuries were reported. 

The news follows various reports that Hamas has been stepping up its preparations for another clash with Israel during the relative calm. In recent weeks, Hamas has threatened genocide against Israel; claimed that they have missiles capable of reaching Tel Aviv; and built numerous terror tunnels into Israel, in the hopes of kidnapping soldiers and attacking Israeli civilians. 

IDF officials have stated that Hamas has continued to grow stronger. The Gaza Division has reportedly been conducting numerous training exercises in advance of another conflict. 

Last month, Israel and Gaza both marked the one-year anniversary of Operation Pillar of Defense. IDF officials noted that rocket attacks have decreased significantly in the interim; while over 200 rockets were fired at SouthernIsraeli cities in 2012, only 40 were fired as of November 2013. 

Despite the good news, however, the rockets also demonstrate an increase in terror attacks in general. A monthly review from the Israeli Security Agency (Shin Bet) revealed that terror attacks were up some 23% in November, including 5 mortar shells launched from Gaza. 

In October, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor filed a complaint against the barrage of rocket attacks to the UN Security Council. “After seven years of silence and while peace talks continue, it is time that the Security Council unanimously condemn the firing of rockets from Gaza and the constant terror,” he wrote. “Condemnation by the Council will prove to all the moderates that the Council supports the peace process.”

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