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svgadminsvgOctober 9, 2013svgNews

2 Israeli Soldiers Injured From Syrian Mortar Fire

Two Israeli soldiers were slightly wounded by cross-border fire in the Golan Heights facing Syria. 

A mortar shell exploded in the northern Golan Heights. It is not known whether the attack was spillover from the ongoing Syrian civil war or intentional.

According to preliminary reports, one of the soldiers was injured from shrapnel fragments and the other had suffered from shock as a result from the fall. 

Both soldiers were initially treated for their moderate wounds at the scene by Magen David Adom medics, however, the pair will receive further treatment at a nearby hospital. 

Last week, Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon spoke to reporters about border incidents with Syria after visiting a Paratroopers Brigade training exercise in the Golan Heights.

Yaalon said there had been frequent incidents of spillover from internal Syrian fighting on Israel’s Golan Heights border, and clarified IDF protocol:

“If we are able to locate the source of gunfire from Syria, we will destroy it,” Yaalon told reporters. He added, there was no change in policy and the Israeli position.

“Any source of fire on Israel, whether intentional or not, will be destroyed,” Yaalon declared. 

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Ron Prosor sent a letter of complaint last month to the Security Council denouncing a series of Syrian violations of the 1974 ceasefire agreement between the two countries. 

In one such incident, gunfire from the Syrian side of the border hit close to an IDF patrol in the northern Golan Heights. There were no injuries or damages.

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