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svgadminsvgJuly 6, 2014svgNews

110 Rockets Fired on Israel Since Wednesday

A total of 110 rockets have hit Israel over the past 5 days, the Home Front Command and IDF announced Sunday, bringing the total this month to 135. 

Of those, 21 were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system, according to AFP

Statistics on the deluge of rocket fire from Hamas-controlled Gaza surface just days after the IDF issued an ultimatum on Thursday, calling to stop the rocket fire within 48 hours or face war. 

Despite this, at least fifteen rockets were fired on Israel in a 12-hour period on Saturday, including two at Be’er Sheva; the IAF retaliated with targeted airstrikes. 

Several ministers and MKs have called for Israel to retake or attack Gaza and institute a “zero tolerance” policy against terrorism over the weekend.

But one top-ranking IDF official told Arutz Sheva Sunday that the IDF is more willing to broker a ceasefire. 

“Even after rounds that included dozens of rockets and missiles the IDF maintains almost maximum restraint, and except for a few isolated attacks the IDF prefers to maintain the truce,” the official said.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu also cautioned against a full-on Gaza assault. 

“Experience has proved that at moments like this, we have to act responsibly and with a cool head and not with harsh words and impetuousness,” he said Sunday. “We will do everything in our power to restore peace and security to the south.” 

Meanwhile, there is no known progress on neither a rumored ceasefire between Hamas and Israel brokered by Egypt Friday, nor with the Palestinian Authority (PA)’s calls for Hamas to stop the escalation. 

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